Chant for Children - Beta

Price: $0.00

4 sections

225 m of video

Course Introduction

Dear Chant Families,

Thank you for signing up to participate in the Chant for Children video curriculum beta test! We're excited to hear your feedback.

We'll communicate with you through our WhatsApp announcement group and by email. For those of you who do not have WhatsApp you can download it for free in your App store.

You do not have to join the WhatsApp group to participate in the beta, but we will be posting informal polls there which can only be completed through the app. However, our main surveys will be coming to you through email via google forms.

Here is the link to join the group:

This is an announcement group only and only admins can post messages. This means you don't have to worry about your phone blowing up. We may create smaller groups within the community later to which you can opt in and chat with other members if you prefer. Please do not share the WhatsApp link with families who are not enrolled in the beta. If you know someone who would like to join the beta please have them email us here so we can officially add them to the test. Thank you!

Have your child/children watch one video each day. You can give any immediate feedback in the video's comment section if you like.

After completing the last video, please fill out the end-of-week survey which we will email to you on  April 5. If your child wants to watch two videos a day because they're enjoying it so much, that's also okay! We appreciate "overachievers"! 🙂

April 8-12: Have your child/children watch one video each day from the Week 2 series. Feel free to comment at the bottom of each video and fill out the end-of-week survey that will be emailed to you at the end of the week.

April 15-19: Have your child/children watch one video each day from the Week 3 series. Feel free to comment at the bottom of each video and fill out the end-of-week survey that will be emailed to you at the end of the week.

April 22-26: Have your child/children watch one video each day from the Week 4 series. Feel free to comment at the bottom of each video and fill out the end-of-week survey that will be emailed to you at the end of the week.

Some things to look for as your family participates: 
  1. 1. How was the video-length: too long, too short, or just right?
  2. 2. Were your students engaged and participating in the exercises?
  3. 3. How did they feel about it when they finished? 
  4. 4. What did you like/dislike about the lessons?

Please note: Since this is a beta test to find out how best to remotely reach students with sacred music, videos and platforms will not be in their finished state. Any comments and feedback about how production and access could be improved are welcome, but know that this is not the final "package" it will be wrapped up in 😊.
Also, this starts at a "beginning" level and works up. Even if your student is more advanced, they can benefit from the exercises being presented. The children who participated in making these videos are advanced in their schola, and they still very much enjoyed these "beginner" videos.

On the google form you filled out, you were asked if you had any questions. Here are the answers:

1. Is it a problem for younger siblings to be around?
No problem at all. However, for the success of your student, it would be best if they had a quiet(er) spot where they could hear the video and engage without being distracted.

2. Will you be teaching solfege?
Yes. The class will be focused on highly practical music exercises. Much of this will be solfege, Latin pronunciation, practicing chant, vocal exercises, etc. One key area of my expertise is making chant theory very, very, very practical in order for your kiddos to start singing it.

3. Can the 10-15 minute lessons be completed any time of day or only at set times?
We know from experience how homeschoolers roll so we made this a super flexible testing run. Videos can be completed at any time of the day, and if you need a few extra days to complete the week just let us know.

4. How quickly do we need to start/complete the course?
Our beta is set to run from April 1-April 26. We ask that you try to stick with the 5-day schedule with lessons once a day. However, if that pacing ends up not working for your family we totally understand. Simply indicate that on your end-of-week survey and note what lessons you were able to complete for the week.

5. When does the online adult schola start??
Great question! I have an ongoing Comprehensive Master Course for the Sacred Music Director regarding establishing a sacred music program at a parish; my colleague at is also running an in-depth course on Gregorian chant specifically.

6. Is this a live or recorded course?
This is a recorded course and can be completed daily at your convenience.

7. How soon can we start?
Monday, April 1!

8. Will this course eventually charge?
My goal is to have the finished course ready for the new school year, starting in August or September 2024, at which time there will be an enrollment fee. The Year 1 program spans 9 months, likely followed by Year 2. Would love feedback on a fair pricing for this course. Coming from a modest Catholic homeschool background, I aim to ensure affordability without compromising the richness of the sacred music curriculum, which stands unparalleled in its depth and breadth. Again, the content of the course will be one of its kind; there will be no course like it as thorough and comprehensive.

9. Will other topics aside from Gregorian chant be covered?
As an all-round musician, I've taught classes on
singing & vocal technique
classical music
advanced music theory
I'm keen on making courses on these topics, but would need to ensure there's enough interest first.

10. I have a child slightly outside the given age-range, is that okay?

Yes. You're the best judge of what your child is capable of. Our given age-range is a good guideline, but we know homeschoolers have fluid curriculum boundaries that fit the child, rather than trying to fit the child to a curriculum. That being said, boys older than the age-range may struggle given the changes in their voices, and children younger than the age range may struggle with attention and prove to be a distraction to the older students. We trust your judgment in the matter. If you'll make sure to accurately mark the ages of the children participating, we would appreciate it so any results are clear. 

We look forward to partnering with you and your families!

Other Available Courses

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The Master Course offers a full, in-depth, systematic study of Gregorian Chant.

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