Sacred Music Intensive for Teens - San Diego, CA

Starts: 09/20/2024 at 01:00PM | Ends: 09/20/2024 at 07:30PM

Event Description


Join us for a sacred music intensive with renowned vocal esemble, Floriani in San Diego, California. Open to teens age 11-17, participants will spend the afternoon working with Floriani, and will receive expert instruction in Gregorian Chant and sacred choral works. The day will conclude with participants joining Floriani for a special sung High Mass in the Church.



  • Rehearsal, chironomy course, organum, and more. Advanced and Introductory tracks.
  • Short concert by Floriani
5pm - Dinner (provided)
5:30pm - Adoration (silent)
6:10pm - Rehearsal in the Church
6:30pm - Sung High Mass by the Floriani and Schola

Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori. Join Now.

Do your part for the revitalization of sacred music by establishing or improving your skills, starting today. Tempus fugit, memento mori.

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